Currently we offer the following interest groups: (click on the name link to visit that page)
- Armchair Yoga
- Art practical
- Bat and Chat Table Tennis
- Birdwatching
- Bridge (Beginners)
- Bridge (Improvers)
- Calligraphy
- Canoeing
- Computer help (by appointment)
- Crafting with Jennifer
- Crossword
- Esperanto
- Family History
- French Basic
- French Advanced
- Fused Glass
- Gadabout
- Gardening
- Geology
- German
- Needle Natters
- Oil and acrylic painting
- Opera
- Parchment Craft
- Pencil Art
- Pottery
- Quizzers
- Reading Group
- Saturday Club
- Scrabble
- Singing
- Spanish
- Social Snails
- Strollers
- Tai Chi
- Walking – Friday
When you have joined a group and decide you wish to attend regularly then find that you can no longer do this, we would ask that you let your convenor know because there may be someone waiting to fill your place.
For the attention of Committee Members, Convenors, and those members who have access to the personal data of East Antrim U3A members.
Please be aware that, since the introduction of GDPR on the 25th May 2018, under no circumstances can personal data of members be passed by you to anyone within EAU3A, or to outside individuals or organisations, without that member’s express written permission having been given to you.
To do otherwise is a breach of the GDPR legislation
However you can of course continue to use personal data, as supplied to East Antrim U3A by its members, to communicate with the members of your group for EAU3A business purposes only.22nd June 2018