Convener: Ian Enlander
Mobile: 07849853549
There are currently places available – please contact Ian Enlander at the above email address if you are interested in joining.
What we do
For its size, Northern Ireland is amongst the most geologically diverse areas of Planet Earth so that means there are lots of different rocks to look at and interpret.
The South – East Antrim area holds an excellent range of geological localities which collectively demonstrate some 250 million years of our Earths more recent history.
Following a number of introductory sessions dealing with some basic geology, the group will explore our local rocks to understand how they formed, what they tell us about our piece of the planet at that time and how they have been of economic significance to human society.
Hopefully, after getting familiar with the rocks of South – East Antrim, our excursions will take us further afield.
The goal is to ensure the events are kept as jargon free as possible and, hopefully, are fun!
Excursions will focus on safe and accessible localities with each trip last some 2 – 3 hours.
Details of any health and safety issues for each excursion will be provided in advance.
Outline plan for 2025 events
- Talk on geological importance of our most recent period of volcanic activity (probably later in Feb)
- Rerun Lurgan town geology walk – probably early March
- Visit to Whitehead limestone quarries – using historical postcards and photos to tell the story of the quarrying industry here – probably late May
- Visit to the unusual volcanic rocks at Tardree and Sandy Braes (depending on access) probably June
- 1 – 2 other revisits to give members a chance to ‘do’ trips they missed in the past – probably August/September
Group members will be contacted in advance with finalised dates and excursion details including time and place to meet and health and safety matters
Past Excursion Reports
1. Carrickfergus Excursion 15th February
2. Greenisland Excursion 1st March 2022
3. Larne Excursion 5th April 2022
4. Portmuck Excursion 10th May 2022
5. Blackhead Excursion 7th June 2022
6. Carnlough Excursion 19th July 2022
7. Glenoe Excursion 2nd August 2023
8. Browns Bay part 1 – 6th September 2022