Gardening Report – 14th August 2019

The gardening group held it’s first Funky Flower Workshop as part of the East Antrim U3A Summer Workshops on Wednesday 14th August in the Nelson Street premises. The session was well attended with participants on arrival served scones,(a very generous contribution of David and Margaret)tea and coffee .
The morning session was taken by Loire (florist)who presented the group with a creative task using cabbage leaves,grapes, cucumber and flowers. This was followed by a range of exceptional floral headbands made by each member.
Following a busy creative morning ,lunch was served with the help of members of the gardening group .
Two of our own gardening group members took over the session in the afternoon. Participants had the choice decorating a box or a stiletto high heel shoe. These items proved equally as creative and colourful with lots of new skills learned throughout the day.
Although a busy day everyone left with their personalised funky flower creations.