Christmas Lunch – Pictures
Anita very Kindly sent in some pictures featured below. If you would like to add more pictures or comments please email them to me (James) Click on thumbnail to see the full image.
Anita very Kindly sent in some pictures featured below. If you would like to add more pictures or comments please email them to me (James) Click on thumbnail to see the full image.
Dear James, Please pass on the grateful thanks of those who enjoyed the Christmas dinner on Monday, to all those who made it possible. Here is my seasonal offering, an acrostic limerick: Every week, it’s Carrick’ for me, Avoiding the …
Six new images of completed work added. See them at the bottom of the Pottery Page
Convenor: Margaret Franklin Tel: 028 9337 3749 Day/Time: Wednesday 10:000am – 1:00pm The Wednesday Bridge club will finish on 12th December and restart on 2nd January.
The next meeting of the Reading and Poetry Group is Tuesday 11 th December . We are taking a look at Dickens “A Christmas Carol” The meeting will start with our thoughts on the book and then we will have …