Bridge Group – Latest News
The Bridge Group has currently 5 to 6 tables per week with tuition for a Beginners Table and also for the Improvers Tables. The Beginners Group is now closed for this year.
The Bridge Group has currently 5 to 6 tables per week with tuition for a Beginners Table and also for the Improvers Tables. The Beginners Group is now closed for this year.
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DATE: 25 OCTOBER 2019 SHORT WALK – 3 miles. The walk in the demesne is 2.5 miles and the bus stop is a quarter mile from the start of the walk. The walk will take c1.25 hours. DATE: 25 OCTOBER …
CONVENOR DAVID NICHOLL 028 90 843 920 Please bring along your family history research and any problems you have so that we can try and help each other to solve Nelson Street. B A C K TO O U …
The students of the Spanish Intermediate learnt how to make a Spanish box during the session on Monday 9th September. Heather demonstrated, provided us with origami paper and provided bilingual instructions. Ian Donaldson