Armchair Yoga

Convenor: Sharon Fodey
Contact: 07522474585. Email:
Location: Nelson Street, Carrickfergus
Day/Time.   Thursday 9th January 2025  2-3 pm and 3.15 – 4.15 pm.

Cost: £40 for 10 sessions – payable on enrolling.

Please contact Sharon if you are interested in joining the group in January.

Our members are enjoying Armchair Yoga and already looking forward to starting up again in January.

Armchair Yoga offers the same benefits as traditional yoga, that is done while seated or using the chair for balance. It allows seniors and those with mobility issues to stay active and improve their strength and flexibility.

Our Armchair Yoga Teacher is Sarah Smyth from Larne. Sarah has been practicing Yoga for 30 years and teaching for the last 10 years after completing 300 hour Hatha Yoga training with Dru Yoga.

Sarah is also a certified Relax Kids Coach and also a teacher of Rainbow Yoga and Laughter Yoga. Sarah teaches from 4 years old to adults.

Sarah’s classes are adapted to be practised by all abilities, fitness level and age groups. Yoga can help increase energy levels, improve mobility, ease back pain and wash away stress.

Yoga inspired Sarah to look after her physical, mental and emotional well-being and most importantly it has provided her with the toolkit to do this. Sarah seeks to help others thrive in life by nurturing the body, mind and soul with Yoga and her hope is that you will leave feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced.