Believe it or not, many groups are still active and keeping in regular touch and some are even meetings, following the CV19 distancing advisory rules. Here is what I know:

Singing for Fun

Heather Rea is running regular Monday evening Zoom sessions and she is aided by the technical prowess of hubby Desi, who has been responsible for the editing of the songs.  Each week, a new song is recorded – individually – and Desi has been doing a wonderful job of patching them together to make one song! There are three choirs involved, as well as our U3A singing for fun, there are some voices from Islandmagee Voices (Ladies Choir) and St Colman’s Church choir from Kilroot The craic is mighty, and although we can’t sing online (due to different internet speeds) we chat about what we are going to do and how to do it!  If you’d like to join in, then please say!


The group meet regularly, outdoors, and online to swap information, and share some plants.


John Cunningham is delighted with the progress of the canoers paddling (observing strict covid rules!) very proficiently in tackling full rivers, because of the amount of rain that we’ve had recently.


They are maintaining contact via Whatsapp and sharing new projects as they’re completed.

Colour Pencils

Almost daily contact here but mainly sharing jokes, photos and videos – still the craic is mighty!


Teresa’s group meets regularly for short walks, of course maintaining the distance rules!

I am sure that there are other groups who are keeping in contact with members too, but the above are all the committee have been made aware of. 

Membership dues – please read if you haven’t renewed

There are many members who haven’t renewed their membership by paying the £24 fee which was due at the beginning of March; those of you who haven’t yet paid, will be receiving an email individually.  The reason why you are being reminded, is that we still have expenses of keeping 12 Nelson Street up and running in a safe mode, which means, now that winter is fast approaching, we will need to use the heating for a few hours each day to maintain the integrity of the building. Also everyone (unless opted out) has been receiving the Third Age Magazine – this costs money and with finances dwindling, the distribution list will be pruned to paid up members only, so you may have received your last magazine for the time being, unless you renew. 

Thanks to Teresa Connor, who is our Secretary and one of the Trustees, who has been keeping a watchful eye over 12 Nelson Street – this is very much appreciated.