Gardening Report – 14th October 2019

Gardening Report – 14th October 2019


11 members had a wonderful morning. Thank you Margaret & David for the use of your house for the meeting.

11th November Meeting is changed. The new venue is a walk from Minnowburn.  On 14th November National Trust Gardens Scheme Review 2019 at Courthouse Theatre 7:30pm (including light supper). Please arrange your own transportation.

Maureen will take a Minnowburn walk on 11th November depends on the weather, for further information please follow WhatsApp near the time.

Happy Sharing Plants

Maureen brought White dog Daisies , Yellow Marguerite Daisies, Bright Red Crocosmia. Brenda brought lovely Lilies, Heather brought Deep Red Sedum, Margret has many packets of seeds , Anne brought small Geraniums pink and purple in colour and a tiny pink flower .

Christmas flowers workshop – Organised by:  Irene and Joan

To allow the fresh flower arrangement to last until Christmas, the Workshop is rescheduled to Tuesday 17th December from 10:00am-12:00 noon. Venue Nelson Street Main Hall.  Irene and Joan will send some pictures of decoration samples  and a list of items to bring. Oasis will be provided (cost approx. £1 each).
