Gardening report – 13th May 2019

The May meeting of the gardening group which was hosted by Maureen Koelmeyer had an an almost full turn out of members.We were made welcome with the usual tea coffee and treats.
Thanks were given to Brenda for her fund raising effort with marmalade. Heather had brought jars of apple and clove jelly some of which will be available for sale at the open garden days.
Members had brought a large variety of plants which had been started off at our seed planting meeting last March. If all goes well and we manage to keep snails and other greedy garden pests at bay there will be some beautiful borders in gardens in and around East Antrim.
The members discussed the arrangements for the two open afternoons on May the 25 and 26 th at Margaret Franklin’s garden Details of this are on display in Nelson Street.
June the 10th is our annual outing to a garden of interest and this year we have chosen Glenarm Castle as our venue. Hopefully we will enjoy coffee and scones before passing on through to the gardens. Although the tulips will be over there is sure to be a great display in the herbaceous border.
Arrangements were also made for our annual group picnic in Margarets garden on July 8th. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us on all these days.
Thanks as usual to all members for their willingness to give lifts ,provide food and give unstinting help so that all upcoming events run smoothly.
Liz Mackinson