Gardening Report – 11 March 2019

The gardening group met on the 11th of March in Marion’s house for our general seed planting session. It’s exciting to at last have a chance to do some hands-on gardening and you look forward to the Bounty which these tiny seeds will produce for us.
Hopefully they will be ready as tiny seedlings for transplantation in about 2 months’ time, when we all exchange with each other and therefore have a great variety of seeds for our gardens and planters.
We discussed as a group of the possibility of having an occasional raffle of a flower arrangement to raise funds for the gardening Project. This could be done at special occasions such as Christmas Easter or perhaps Valentine’s day.
Two more members have volunteered to keep flowers in the main hall in Nelson Street until the next meeting.
I think people in general seem to appreciate the little colour as you come in the front door.
We have a new coordinator, namely Liz Mackinson, for the next six months, who will take over the general running of the meetings and preparation of the program.
We are looking forward very much to our next meeting, which is the celebration of a very special birthday of our wonderful, and inspirational founder, Margaret Franklin.
See you all in April.