Carrickfergus Parks
Mix and Match.
The map has 8 sections that you can string together as you please. I have given 3 examples of walks that I enjoy.
1 My local birding patch 2Km - 4Km
Length of walk depends on how much roaming you do.
Tracklogs: Mill Ponds tracklog from the rear entrance of the station. Wander round the ponds. This holds small numbers of wildfowl. Continue across the footbridge as far as Prince William Way. The Sullatober River flows down the left side of this section of the path. It is wooded and holds lots of birds.
I usually backtrack and go under the railway line into Shaftsbury Park, returning to St Brides Street as shown.
2 Oakfield Glen 6Km to 8Km
Tracklogs: Mill Ponds, Taylors Avenue, Oakfield Glen. Return by 1)Oakfield Drive 2)Middle Rd Prospect Rd. 3)Bashfordsland Wood
At the top of Taylors Avenue there are some steps to negotiate.
The entrance to Oakfield Glen is directly over the road. Most people step over the crash barrier where it meets the hedge. If you are not up to this, turn left to the end of the barrier and back up to the gate.
The first 100M is a trodden path but all the rest is concreted. This path climbs up through the glen but it is not too steep.
At the fork in the path bear left, cross the river and turn right up the glen with the river on your right.
Return by Oakfield Drive is footpaths down through Oakfield Estate. Total distance about 6KM
Return by Middle Rd Prospect Rd is much longer. The section along middle Road is mostly separated from road traffic by a grass verge. Total distance about 8Km
Tree with a Face
Easily missed on your way up Oakfield Glen. It is on the left of the path near the start but it looks up the glen
and if you do not look back the way you came you will miss it. If you arrive at the beginning of the concrete path, it is time to look back.
There are other unique sculptures, designed by Alan Cargo and Eleanor Wheeler - ten in all. They will guide you on your woodland adventure
(if you can find them - I did not). These are ten mystical PĂșca creatures, no doubt hiding in the treetops.In Irish folklore,
the PĂșca are said to be the most mischievous of all the fairies in Ireland.
3 Bashfordsland Wood 6Km to 8Km
Tracklogs: Mill Ponds, Taylors Avenue, Oakfield Glen and Bashfordsland Wood. Return by 1)Oakfield Drive 2)Middle Rd Prospect Rd. 3)Oakfield Glen
At the top of Taylors Avenue there are some steps to negotiate.
The entrance to Oakfield Glen is directly over the road. Most people step over the crash barrier where it meets the hedge. If you are not up to this, turn left to the end of the barrier and back up to the gate.
The first 100M is a trodden path but all the rest is concreted. This path climbs up through the glen but it is not too steep.
At the fork in the path bear right, continue with the river on your left.
Return by Oakfield Drive is footpaths down through Oakfield Estate. Total distance about 6KM
Return by Middle Rd Prospect Rd is much longer. The section along middle Road is mostly separated from road traffic by a grass verge. Total distance about 8Km